1 minute read BPS Version: 2022.1.4.127


Now and then you need to do something based on a field. One solution is to do it, whenever the workflow instance is saved / moved to a different step. Depending on the type of action(s) which needs to be executed it would be better to executed this only, if the field value was changed at all.

Only execute the action, if the value actually was changed and not every time.
Only execute the action, if the value actually was changed and not every time.


Global business rule

Add a new global business rule with return value Text.

Name: FieldWasChanged 

Parmeter 1
Name: Database Fieldname
Type: Text
Description: Example: WFD_AttText41

Parameter 2
Name: ComparePickerIdOnly
Type: Text
Description: If true (1), the id of the picker value is compared instead of the whole value. Only use 1, if it is a picker field.

Global business rule
Global business rule

Aftewards, copy the SQL statement and replace the parameters. In my case Database Fieldname has the id 56 while ComparePickerIdOnly has the id 57. SQL command.

How the SQL command should look like.
How the SQL command should look like.
DECLARE @fieldname nvarchar(120);  
Declare @isPickerField tinyint;
Declare @historyColumn nvarchar(200)
Declare @currentColumn nvarchar(200)
DECLARE @ParmDefinition NVARCHAR(500);  

SET @isPickerField = {BRP:57}
select @currentColumn = case 
	when @isPickerField = 1 then 'dbo.ClearWFElemIdAdv({BRP:56})'
	else '{BRP:56}'
select @historyColumn = case 
	when @isPickerField = 1 then 'dbo.ClearWFElemIdAdv('+REPLACE('{BRP:56}','WFD','WFH')+')'
	else REPLACE('{BRP:56}','WFD','WFH')

/* Build the SQL string one time.*/  
SET @ParmDefinition = N'@wfId int';  
SET @SQLString =  
select Top 1 case 
		when '+@currentColumn + ' = '+@historyColumn+'
		then 0
		else 1 
	end as changed
FROM [dbo].[WFHistoryElements] join WFElements 
	on WFH_OrgID = WFD_ID and WFH_Version <> WFD_Version
where WFH_OrgID = @wfId
order by WFH_ID desc

EXECUTE sp_executesql @SQLString, @ParmDefinition,@wfId = {WFD_ID};

Remark: I haven’t checked whether the ‘bps_user’ has permissions to read the history tables. In case an error is thrown it may be necessary to change data source from Current BPS database to one which has a dedicated user with appropriate privileges.


You can use the business rule either in the execution condition of an action, which was the way to go in the past, or use the Condition operator, as displayed below.

Testing whether a the ID of a choose /picker field was changed in a `Condition` parameter
Testing whether a the ID of a choose /picker field was changed in a Condition parameter

If you use any other field type, use a 0, or this may have unintended side effects.
