2 minute read BPS Version: 2025.1.1.44


You just transported your process to production and two days later you get the feedback that it’s ‘broken’. During your test everything was working fine, even the upload to SharePoint via REST. What you didn’t expect though, was the characters the users would use. WEBCON BPS supports characters which are not supported by SharePoint.

Invalid characters

  • ” * : < > ? / \ |
    (Leading and trailing spaces in file or folder names also aren’t allowed.)
  • Some organizations don’t yet support # and % in names.
  • For Office desktop win32 apps: If you’re saving an Office file via the Backstage view to a OneDrive or SharePoint folder, you won’t be able to save the file if the folder name contains ; (semicolon).
  • If you’re using Office 2010, you can’t use “&” in file and folder names.

The best way to prevent any issues is to parse the existing file name and upload it to SharePoint using a save/cleaned file name.

Generating a save file name for SharePoint
Generating a save file name for SharePoint



I’ve created two business rules to achieve this:

  1. GetSafeFilenameInner
  2. GetSafeFilename

I could have used a single one, with a lot of nested String replace functions. I tried to create it but it became difficult to read. Therefore, I created the ‘Inner’ function which uses SQL to replace the characters. I had to introduce the other rule to escape single quotes in incoming parameter, otherwise it would have broken the SQL statement.

Two business rules but only the `GetSafeFilename` is used.
Two business rules but only the GetSafeFilename is used.


I’ve used the following name and documentation for this rule.

Rule name: GetSafeFilenameInner
Documentation: This business rule should never be called directly. Always use the one without "Inner"

Parameter: ValueWithoutSingleQuotes
                ,  ':','_')
GetSafeFilenameInner implementation with parameter
GetSafeFilenameInner implementation with parameter


This rule calls the inner business rule but replaces any single quotes in parameter with two single quotes. This escapes the single quote and therefore doesn’t break the execution of the first business rule.

I’ve used the following name and documentation for this rule.

Rule name: GetSafeFilename
Documentation: The safe filename function uses a SQL statement to replace the characters. Therefore, we need to escape single quotes. There may be single quote characters in the filename.

Parameter: OriginalValue

String replace parameter 1: The parameter
String replace parameter 2: '
String replace parameter 3: ''''
GetSafeFilename calls the previous rule
GetSafeFilename calls the previous rule

Info: Yes, the third parameters consists of four single quotes. If you would be using two single quotes, the value is treated as a SQL text value and only the values in the two single quotes would be used by the replace function. Therefore, three single quotes will replace the existing single quote with a single quote, while four single quotes will replace the existing one with two.


In my case I added a local parameter to the automation. This is then used in a Change value of single field action. This action executes the GetSafeFilename and passes the attachment file name.

Using the `GetSafeFilename` rule
Using the GetSafeFilename rule
