Reduced item list size (width)
During the first WEBCON TAG in Germany this year I was asked, whether we could somehow improve working with a long item list. The question /requirements was,
- Can we hide the columns, but display them in the single row edit dialog?
- If we hide them, we need some alternative to show the most important information.
My answer immediate answer was that it should be possible, but it took a while until I could back to this topic. The release of WEBCON BPS 2025 played a major role in this delay. While implementing my idea I added one additional requirement:
- The
Edit all rows
functionality should still be possible.
While the example may not be meaningful, I’m quite satisfied with the solution.
You might be surprised, but the solution uses pure CSS. Since the columns/important information will be different for each item list, there are no global constants, rules or whatever.
Hide columns with CSS
As already mentioned, the requirements for hiding / showing the columns are handled with pure CSS. Of course, we may not hide columns of another item list therefore we need to:
- Make sure that the rules only apply to the columns of the item list.
- Hide the column header, but only if it’s not in
Edit all
mode. The header has a special class in this case.& th[data-key^="#{SFLD:160}#"]:not(.subelement-header-cell--edit-mode)
- Hide the body cell, but only if it’s not in
Edit all
mode. There’s a special class in the read mode we can use.- WEBCON BPS 2023:
& td[data-key="#{SFLD:160}#"]:has(.form-control-readonly)
- WEBCON BPS 2025:
& td[data-key="#{SFLD:160}#"]:has(.input--read-only)
- WEBCON BPS 2023:
- If we don’t need the summary column in the single edit dialog we can hide it. We need to use the id also, otherwise it is not uniquely identified.
#SubelementsEditView ##{SFLD:159}#[data-id="#{DCN:159}#"]
Below you can find the full CSS. After you copy this, you only need to replace the variables.
/* hide the columns */
#SubElems_#{WFCON:1129}# {
& th[data-key^="#{SFLD:160}#"]:not(.subelement-header-cell--edit-mode),& td[data-key="#{SFLD:160}#"]:has(.form-control-readonly) {display:none}
& th[data-key^="#{SFLD:161}#"]:not(.subelement-header-cell--edit-mode),& td[data-key="#{SFLD:161}#"]:has(.form-control-readonly) {display:none}
& th[data-key^="#{SFLD:150}#"]:not(.subelement-header-cell--edit-mode),& td[data-key="#{SFLD:150}#"]:has(.form-control-readonly) {display:none}
& th[data-key^="#{SFLD:152}#"]:not(.subelement-header-cell--edit-mode),& td[data-key="#{SFLD:152}#"]:has(.form-control-readonly) {display:none}
& th[data-key^="#{SFLD:156}#"]:not(.subelement-header-cell--edit-mode),& td[data-key="#{SFLD:156}#"]:has(.form-control-readonly) {display:none}
& th[data-key^="#{SFLD:158}#"]:not(.subelement-header-cell--edit-mode),& td[data-key="#{SFLD:158}#"]:has(.form-control-readonly) {display:none}
& th[data-key^="#{SFLD:153}#"]:not(.subelement-header-cell--edit-mode),& td[data-key="#{SFLD:153}#"]:has(.form-control-readonly) {display:none}
& th[data-key^="#{SFLD:155}#"]:not(.subelement-header-cell--edit-mode),& td[data-key="#{SFLD:155}#"]:has(.form-control-readonly) {display:none}
/* hide the summary column in the single edit dialog */
#SubelementsEditView ##{SFLD:159}#[data-id="#{DCN:159}#"] {display:none}
Info: I already mentioned it but the value inside the has() function depends on the WEBCON BPS version you are using. If you are thinking of using this it may be a good idea to store this value in a global constant, if you are not on 2025 yet. This way you only need to change one value after an update.
Summarizing hidden columns
In most cases we probably can’t simply hide columns, instead we may need to provide an alternative representation. For example, a summary in which we can also use some styling to highlight important information.
This can be achieved using a data row column. In my case, I decided to display the information of the hidden rows in separate rows and highlight missing information in red. The choose fields contain multi language information, so I needed to get the value for the current user language.
For simplicity reasons I decided to hard code the column names in the SQL statement. In a real solution I would either use the Text
function of a business rule for translation purposes or get the columns names from the translation table of the database.
select string_agg(summary,'<br/>') as Summary
from (
select 1 as Sorting, concat(
'Inspection necessary: '
, ( case
when '{SN:170}' = '' then '<span style="color:red">Not set</span>'
else dbo.ClearWFelemAdvLanguage('{SN:170}','{USERLAN}')
,' <br/>Date ({SDY:172}-{SDM:172}-{SDD:172})') as summary
select 2 as Sorting, concat(
'Repair necessary: '
, ( case
when '{SN:173}' = '' then '<span style="color:red">Not set</span>'
else dbo.ClearWFelemAdvLanguage('{SN:173}','{USERLAN}')
,' <br/>Date ({SDY:163}-{SDM:163}-{SDD:163})') as summary
select 3 as Sorting, concat(
'Repaired: '
, ( case
when '{SN:165}' = '' then '<span style="color:red">Not set</span>'
else dbo.ClearWFelemAdvLanguage('{SN:165}','{USERLAN}')
,' <br/>Date ({SDY:167}-{SDM:167}-{SDD:167})') as summary
select 4 as Sorting, concat(
'Handed over: '
, ( case
when '{SN:169}' = '' then '<span style="color:red">Not set</span>'
else dbo.ClearWFelemAdvLanguage('{SN:169}','{USERLAN}')
,' <br/>Date ({SDY:171}-{SDM:171}-{SDD:171})') as summary
) as temp
Progress / status column
While I implemented the summary column I was wondering, whether we shouldn’t add a progress/status column. This way the users can easily skip unimportant rows. ‘Normal’ item list may also benefit from this column.
This can easily been achieved using the standard functionality of a data row colum and setting it to Indicator