7 minute read BPS Version: 2023.1.2.44, 2022.1.4.155


There are a bunch of reason why WEBCON BPS doesn’t have an ‘encrypted field’. Nevertheless, I was forced to store a password in a dictionary. Having a plain text password isn’t something I wanted to have in a productive environment. For this I created this plugin. The focus is on preventing aa accidental leaking of the password. For example, by screensharing, taking a screenshot, wrong process privileges, SQL queries and so on.

Entering, verifying, viewing the password.
Entering, verifying, viewing the password.

Remark: I’m not trained in securing information.

Remark: Anyone with access to the Designer Studio will be able to decrypt the value.

Remark: You can use it on your sandbox to check out the functionality. You should review the code and create your own version for productive use.


Upload the plugin

Download the appropriate .zip from the release, which is linked in Download chapter. Creating/updating a plugin is easy:

  1. Navigate to Plugin packages
  2. Click on New package
  3. Select the appropriate .zip file.
Uploading a new a plugin
Uploading a new a plugin

Field configuration

The first step is to create a new single line of text field and select PasswordFormFieldExtensionJS of the plugin as Customization of form field control.

Selecting the form field extension
Selecting the form field extension

Afterwards you have to configure the customization. The minimum configuration is the key, which has to be 24 characters long. In my case I stored it in a constant.

Configuring the customization
Configuring the customization

If you want to provide translation for the default message you have to:

  1. Select the language.
  2. Click on plus sign.
  3. A new column for the language will be added, and you can enter the translation.
Adding translations
Adding translations

Info: You can use the %1 placeholder in Minimum characters error, which will replaced with the Minimum characters value.

Business rule for decrypting

The password can be decrypted using a business rule.

  1. Select SDK Execution
  2. Choose DecryptPassword from the plugin.
  3. Reuse the key used for encrypting the password.
    You can use the usual options. In my example I use the field.
Configure the decryption.
Configure the decryption.


Entering a password

You can copy & paste the password/string you want to encrypt into the field. The entered data will be masked as *.

Upon saving the instance the provided password is encrypted and stored in a JSON.

The entered password is encrypted and stored in a JSON.
The entered password is encrypted and stored in a JSON.

Decrypting the password vie business rule

As usual the business rule can be used in a form rule, automation, action etc.

Using the business rule in a form rule.
Using the business rule in a form rule.
Business rule used in a condition.
Business rule used in a condition.

Info: A new password must be saved, before it can be decrypted with the business rule.


BPS 2022 and BPS 2023 versions?

There are two separate projects in the VS solution, because BPS 2023 moved to asynchronous method implementation. All plugins need to be rebuilt for BPS 2023.

I reused the same GUIDs for the plugin extensions. It may be possible to simply upload the BPS 2023 package after an an upgrade, but this is not tested.

Is this secure?

I can’t tell, I used the AES class example. Anyone who has access to the key will be able to decrypt the value. In addition to the location where the key is stored, it will be part of the plugin logs.

I thought about storing the key outside of WEBCON BPS, but rejected it because of multi server environments. After all, my focus is not to create a secure environment but preventing an accidental leaking of the password.

If you are more concerned about this, feel free to use this as a base to build a more secure solution. In case you are using a constant, you could pass the GUID of the constant and retrieve its value from the database. This way the key wouldn’t be part of the plugin log. Or you could utilize the KeePass API.


VS 2022 and FormFieldExtensionJS

This was something which costs me hours. In the end I was able to solve it by:

  1. Installing Visual Studio 2022 with Desktop development C++.
    Not sure whether this was necessary once I found a working Node.js version.
  2. Install Node.js 12.22.12
  3. Following Option 1 from Environment setup and configuration.
    npm install -g windows-build-tools
    If it doesn’t work, you can take a look at the linked page. There is also Option 2.

In the end the following global modules have been installed:

Global node modules
Global node modules

Afterwards I was able to install the node modules in the FormFieldExtensionJS directory.

npm install

Developing the form field extension

WEBCON BPS Tools don’t pick up the FormFieldExtension

I couldn’t use the WEBCON BPS Tools, even when there was only one project in the solution.

FormFieldExtension is not selectable.
FormFieldExtension is not selectable.

I worked around this by running the scripts manually:

  1. Open a developer shell.
  2. Navigate to the folder
    cd .\DKR_PasswordField2022\PasswordFormFieldExtensionJS.
  3. Execute
    npm run start.
  4. Repeat 1 and 2 and execute
    npm run watch.

The last one will allow you to reload the page after saving a file.

ReadOnlyHtml mode

You can play around with the ReadOnlyHtml mode by providing a part of the generated JSON value as Model value.

Developing the form field extension
Developing the form field extension

Plugin configuration

I’m using the plugin configuration in the FormFieldExtension and I’m to lazy to provide the configuration in the workbench every time. Therefore I created a DefaultSDKConfiguration. If no configuration is provided, e.g. developing mode, this one is used. This is determined by checking whether an expected property of the configuration exists.

import defaultSDKConfiguration from "./components/DefaultSDKConfiguration"
export default ({ model, sdkConfiguration, fieldConfiguration }) => {

    if ((new URLSearchParams(document.location.search)).get("debug") == 'passwordField') {
    const _sdkConfiguration = sdkConfiguration.Translation ? sdkConfiguration : defaultSDKConfiguration

Debugger error

As you see above, I have a little debugger switch. By default you won’t be able to build the package, because the debugger would cause an error during build.

You can reduce the error to a warning level by adding "no-debugger": "warn" to .eslintrc.json.

  "rules": {
    "no-console": "off",
    "no-unused-vars": "off",
    "no-debugger": "warn"

SDK actions

Why was the Validate function used

Despite using OnBeforeElementSave the first version stored the original value. Therefore, I moved to the Validate function.

Original password was stored using OnBeforeElementSave
Original password was stored using OnBeforeElementSave

The functions ConvertToDBType, OnDBValueSet don’t have a Context object which I could use to log debug information.

args.Context.PluginLogger.AppendDebug("Key length ok");

Plugin configuration and translations

The business rule and form field extension have common configuration settings. These are stored in the file PasswordEncryptionConfig.

I wanted to provide two translations list, one for the common settings and one for the specialized plugin configuration. It seems that it’s not possible to have two translations lists. At least I wasn’t able to solve the errors. Everything was fine, as long as I only used either one. Therefore I have a base class, which is used for the translation list.

Package creation

In the past I had some problems when not the exact assembly version wasn’t available. In addition, the SDK Tools didn’t reliably work. This may have gotten better. I haven’t checked it out. Nevertheless, the projects still use my old solution. I make use of the pre and post build events.

  • IncreaseRevisionNumber.ps1 is used in the pre-build event.
    This is also useful if you have another project in your solution. In the past the SDK Tools didn’t increase the version of this one.
  • CreatePackage.ps1 is used in the post build event.
    The created package will contain:
    • All assemblies from the build/release folder, which are not identical for WEBCON BPS Portal and WEBCON BPS WorkFlow Service.
      Identical means, that they have the same assembly version. Yes, they have different versions and if a plugin is used by BPS Portal as well as the Workflow Service it may cause problems otherwise.
      The script contains a commented section for updating the file list. You can paste the result into the script. In my case the installation is so old, that the installation folder is in the x86 folder. You will probably need to change the folder in your case.
    • Add all *.bpspkg
      The *.bpspkg has to be build before. This is done either by running npm run build or npm run watch. watch will always create the package when something changes.
    • Optionally add assemblies from another folder.

Debug information

The form field extension has not really an option to provide feedback in case of errors. Therefore, I made use of the PluginLogger. If the debugging mode is configured for the extension you will get additional information.

Configure logging for the plugin.
Configure logging for the plugin.

Unexpected error

During the development I had some unexpected errors. There were no further information in the browser or trace. I got more information in the log file of BPS Portal.

Log files of BPS Portal
Log files of BPS Portal


Source code
Usable packages
The BPS 2023 package is way bigger because the SDK uses different assembly versions than they are utilized on the server.
